Thread: Ancafe
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Mauja (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 227
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Czech Republic
06-13-2009, 06:37 PM

Aww people.. stop talking about seeing them live >.< It kills me...

Originally Posted by coolforcats1 View Post
I love the way Teruki introduces himself! >.< drum-mes hehehe love it!

Make it your mission to see them live, they're just soooo good! It's like rock party central! lol
Lol, good idea

Originally Posted by Lenalena View Post
I agree, I think they've advanced a great deal as a band since Bou left. Not BECAUSE Bou left, but they've changed, and I really like their changes ^^ Takuya has his own way of playing the old An Cafe songs, but it's good. He's very sweet at lives and when he's introducing himself he's very shy(I've seen them on the Nyappy Go Around the World 2 in Stockholm) Teruki was very talkative and he spoke almost fluently in Swedish xD I too just LOVE Teruki's voice, it's different from any other voices I've heard, but oh so sweet~
I'd say Miku and Teruki are my favs, but I also LOVE Yuuki. He's the hyper one on stage, I love him!
Yeah, I understand
I´ve never heard any old AC song played by Takuya.. But I´m interested. Oh, I really want to see Teruki and other live It seems to be fantastic.. You are Swede? I live in Czech republic and I guess they won´t appear here.. It´s noplaceville
And again.. Teruki´s voice is THE BEST! Let´s establish fanclub

Last edited by Mauja : 06-14-2009 at 07:50 AM.
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