I decided not to read this entire thread because to do so would have me so insensed over the biased ignorance of some of the posters that I would be typing almost as much nonsense as some of the responses that are so stupid as to be offensive.
I can tell that Tsuwabuki knows exactly what the issues are around gender and sex identity. Only those of us who have worked with or been directly affected by gender dysphoria go around quoting the DMS IV.

For those of you who didn't know that acronym is the the Diagnostic Manual used by physchiatry. But it IS the definitive source on this matter currently.
The referral to animals humping and estrogen/testosterone to determine anything related to this is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. The are other reasons for the animal behavior that are far from related to the animal's percieved gender identity. Go play somewhere else! And since some people don't know their biology..... testostrone is a necessary component of female sexuality as well as male, so forget that whole discussion.
Androgeny is the proper term for what Yoshimi was describing. "Genderqueer" is not only slang and and incorrect, it is offensive to most people - whether it was intended to be so or not. Androgeny means indistinct or blending of gender traits - whether referring to personality, self identity, or the physical traits. A hermaphrodite is a human who, for whatever biological reason, was born with both male and female gentialia. It is not a psychological term, but a physical state of being. Gender is psychological, sex is biological.
Now PLEASE, unless you are going back to the original thread, if you don't have training or first hand experience with this issue, confine yourself to stating your feelings or asking questions. Assuming something just because you have heard some other uneducated person say it and posting it as fact, is seriously insulting to some of the users reading this thread.