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Nyororin (Offline)
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06-14-2009, 03:36 AM

I think that a lot of people aren`t realizing that seafood isn`t used only as-is. It is also in a huge number of condiments, is used to make soup, etc etc. Shellfish is easier to avoid, but not coming into contact with fish is honestly going to be a very hard one - and that is what you`ll be asking for by saying it is an allergy. That is why it is a big deal.

Telling them you have an allergy to seafood is the easiest way to avoid eating it - but it`s also going to be something close to torture for a family as they will take it seriously. I have no doubt they will do their best to make sure you eat absolutely nothing with seafood in it... And that includes a lot more than just pieces of fish and seaweed. It`s really in almost everything, in one form or another. It will force them to change household eating habits quite seriously, and will probably turn the mother into a crazed label reader to make sure no seafood gets by.

If you really aren`t allergic, and just really don`t like seafood, it probably would be best in the long run to just deal with it. Avoid eating seafood when you can and just bear with it when you have no choice. Just don`t spring something that big on them out of the blue.

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