Thread: のが - no ga
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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06-14-2009, 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by jpallan View Post
Hi everyone,

I learn my Japanese vocabulary with iKnow / and also get sample sentences to each word.

Now, there's this sentence:

彼は走るのが速い。 (He runs fast.)

I know the meaning of each word and particle. But, I don't understand the combination of の and が together.

Thanks for your help.
First, think of them as two separate particles. When you have mastered their usages, you may remember them as a unit if you have to. Native speakers don't think of のが as a unit if that means anything.

The の is used for verb nominalization here. Needless to say, the verb is the 走る.

The が here is an identifier. It sort of answers a silent (or asked) question. "What does Bob do fast?" ---> "It's running that he does fast."

「彼は速く走る。」 is a grammatical sentence but you won't hear a native speaker say it. It sounds very "translated".

We usually would prefer saying 「彼は走るのが速い。」. 
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