Thread: Anti-Otaku
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JF Ossan
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06-15-2009, 04:31 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
Hi everyone!
I'm curious about two things:
1. How do you feel about "otaku" (basically, big, geeky fans of anime/manga)?
2. How do you feel about anti-otaku - people who detest anime lovers?

With my personal experience, I've met otaku who are seriously interested in anime and manga, and love Japan because of it. I've been annoyed with that, because it seems like they think this is the only part of Japan that exists.

Still, I've realized that this IS a part of Japan. Who am I to judge people on their interests? While I can relate to what anti-otaku feel, sometimes I also feel a little annoyed by the holier-than-thou attitude. Anti-otaku sometimes act like otaku don't have the right to be interested in Japan, because they mostly like anime and manga. This makes me wonder whether anyone has the right to be curious about another culture.

What's your position?
Time and time again I have heard anti-otaku state, "it seems like they think this is the only part of Japan that exists" when I have never met an otaku who thinks Japan is like Roger Rabbit (half real-life, half animated) and at least the gaijin otaku I know are pretty well grounded.

Maybe it's because I am older and don't hang around with teenaged-otaku.

Regardless, I agree with what you are saying. Sometimes it seems like that anti-otaku are going after something that isn't really there...and for what purpose? It comes down to some of the issues we are dealing with on this forum, where people want to bash people just for the sake of bashing, but without any real motivation beyond that.

In the end I would much rather be friends with an otaku than an anti-otaku.
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