Originally Posted by BlacKitty89
Hey there...
I noticed that many japanese girls and guys want to have white skin. What's so nice about beeing white?
Could somebody explain that to me? Has it to do with the gothloli culture?
Japanese women like to protect their skin from the sun and go to extreme lengths to achieve it. So no doubt that's why many have white skin.
Certainly in my location we have many Japanese and their skin goes very brown here in the tropics. You really couldn't live here if you liked white skin as the radiation is extreme.
Thailand both male and female or also the same.
Simple as that really..
Then you get the Aussie chicks that wanna be black and lay at the beach all day plastered in oil and end up looking like fried lobsters!
When they get older, their skin starts to resemble soggy uncooked chicken skin with some crinkle cut pattern atop, and faces like peperoni pizzas!
If you have a look at older Japanese (Usually the women are more sun conscious than men), you will see how good the skin is.
Older people in the UK are similar to Japanese.
Of course living in Australia, we are very close to the sun.
Hope this places some more sensible rectification on your original query.