Thread: Anti-Otaku
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
06-15-2009, 06:55 AM

I'd never really realized how shallow and pointlessly malicous people can be until I began investing more time on the internet... Or is it something I'd simply learned as I grew-up having the internet?
... In any case, from my experience, almost everyone I have met has had some sort of "geeky" habit or interest. And I'm not sure whether this is common sense or not (I'm beginning to question), but, when someone has an interest that doesn't appeal to you specifically, your first option is always to mind your own business.

There are a lot of people here that like things that I'm not too impressed by..... and that's fine.
As long as they don't bother me, I won't bother them; That's my general attitude on it.

The exception can come when people - or, in this case, otaku - impose their interests on me to the extent that I get offended or annoyed. Which, it goes without saying, I'd be more inclined to protest.

In my opinion, things are never simply black-and-white, although I wish it were that easy: Otakus can be guilty of being obnoxious and rude; Anti-Otakus can be guilty of being inconsiderate and rude.

Btw, since when are people labeled Anti-Otaku?

What's my position?
It depends on the circumstances.
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