Thread: Anti-Otaku
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06-16-2009, 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

Yet they still join a massive group, and still in a way conform.

I'm not anti-otaku. Nor am I anti-anything, apart from anti-stupidity. But I seriously can't stand people who think that just because they label themselves as something, they seem to think they're different from everyone else.

I'm not sure how people see it, but the way I see it, REAL adults (maturity wise) don't label themselves, and don't join some sort of group. They're too busy trying to create a living for themselves, and survive in the world to be bothered with such bull. They're everything, and anything all at once. I can understand calling each other labels, cause in a way it's used as an insult. But taking that, and wrapping yourself in that name, and claiming that you're just different from everyone else, when there are millions of people doing the same as you?

I couldn't have said it better *bows*

You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you
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