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RKitagawa (Offline)
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06-16-2009, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
Are these worse than in the U.S.? and does it matter whether you're allergic or not?

I'm fairly certain it was a hornet which stung me repeatedly once, and only ended up puffy and red, where I was stung.
these things... will kill you, lol. So yeah, I'd say they're worse.
If you get a good dose of their venom, it is lethal regardless of allergies.

I'd happily take a hornet bite over a tick bite. The hornet bite will hurt a lot more but at least it won't lead to a rash of illnesses over the following weeks/months/years.
a regular hornet bite? or a japanese hornet bite? because the japanese ones are lethal.

I'd personally prefer the tick, just sprinkle some vinegar on it and you'll be fine.... probably
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