Ikaga desu ka!?
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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06-16-2009, 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by RKitagawa
The Mukade

Heh bugs don't creep me out I use to live out in the desert and there were all kinds of freaky bugs but when I lived in japan I use to find these alot. Mukade once I put up a fly catcher and the next morning I found it on the floor and a huge centiped was all tangled in the fly catchers goo. I felt so bad, when I untagled it it wasn't moving Q_Q.
Once I even woke up to one trying to crawl in my ear but I just stood up and it fell to the ground and ran away. There quick but they eat all the other annoying insects so I don't think there to bad. I just wear slippers around so I don't step on one. My neihbor was telling me stories about these bugs that I guess when a earthquake split the earth in half these bugs came from hell or something. It was a cool story but I don't remember the whole thing but she said they were signs of evil cause someones mother was bitten by it. I always liked the way they looked though.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.