Japan is crawling with bugs. The most famous ones are the rhinoceros beetle and the giant sawdust beetle. Kids love these things, and they sell them in pet stores (and sometimes the 100 yen shop).
My first experience with Japanese bugs was when I moved into my apartment and found it infested with huge cockroaches. I bought poison traps which got rid of them, but I hated sharing my apartment with them for the first couple weeks I was here.
The next experience was with a huge gray spider which moved in a few months later. It was as big across as my hand, but it was super fast, and I had a hard time trying to get close enough to kill it. I managed to vacuum it up one day, but it got out of the vacuum cleaner somehow. I finally cornered it one day behind my tv and smacked it with a shoe.
I saw this bug flying through the air when I was walking through the park one day, I have no idea what it is, but it was as big as my hand.