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SephirothVVC (Offline)
Death Is The Cure
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06-17-2009, 12:17 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
No, I don't know any vampires. But I do know many pathetic waste-oids who think they do exist, or try to pretend that they are vampires themselves.

Some of these 'tards (retards, not bastards) have actually killed people to try to prove that they actually were vampires, but in reality they were just sick high school kids who were probably bullied in kindergarten. They have discovered worse things than vampires in prison.

I don't know why these posts end up here, exists for a reason; it's a place where weenies can fantasize about being vampires without annoying anyone else. Please direct further vampire posts there.
haha vamp kids and their clamato juice

maybe ill make up my own mythological creature some day so many years from now i can see people who actually believe they might be real. hahaha

"I despise practically everything about human life, which does limit one's weekend activities."

Last edited by SephirothVVC : 06-17-2009 at 12:24 AM.