Ikaga desu ka!?
Posts: 585
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: My own Private Island ^^.
06-17-2009, 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by Bilgewater
The centipedes will bite you, but after 18 years of living in the sticks I have never been bitten. Stepped on one in my bare feet though. Felt like stepping on a gummi bear.
Yeah me too! well I always use to see them in my home or shake =/ what ever you could call it. Never had problems with them though or Black widows. When I use to clean peoples back yards, I always use to have a few crawl on me but it just tickles to much x). When I was living with one of my girlfriends though she would be all jumping around if she saw a little daddylong leg. It was amusing to see but use to hate it when she stepped on the poor thing Q_Q it was just surviving.
Once when I was in school she called me and was all "Oh myyyy goddddd there is a spider in my car eli!!!!! do something!" Hahahahaha I was just all "wtf am I suppose to do about it over the phone? just pick it up with a news paper and throw it out the car".
Heh always thought spiders and bugs looked cool even had a scorpion when I was in high school but I had to let it go into the wild cause the military didn't want me to keep it by my bed and no one wanted William.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.