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mercedesjin (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
EVERYONE, fits into an sex. Give an evidence to support the claim separating people by sex, is damaging to the mental state. Why would you consider yourself not female by the way your mental state is(acting like an male does not make one male, it's the same as acting in an play)?

Ugh, There's curfews on College campuses, example would be Boyce College where EVERYONE has to be back in there rooms by 12:00 AM.

Look, if the culture agrees to it (I mean both sexes), you really can't call it sexism. One being it's an complete different culture, two being the vast majority likes it the way it is. (it's an simple reason why we still have the segregation of just about every public restroom.

Last Do I have to repeat myself again? Please read the entire thread before posting. I have repeated myself over, (I do it for an reason) you simply cannot trust someone you don't know. Rapist/criminals exists and I doubt you want to give them more chances to get at women/men.
ME. I'M evidence. It's damaging for me, personally, to have to be separated from men, because with that separation comes gender roles. It's emotionally damaging for me to have to listen to people say that - as a woman - I have a specific role in the world:to be submissive to men. That's what I mean by separation - to say that I am different from a man; to say that being "girly" means that I ought to be submissive and wear dresses, etc.; and to say that I'm mentally ill because I don't want to be submissive is pretty emotionally stressful. It's damaging for enough women to have spurred the feminist movement and black feminism.

It's not impossible to take away the labels of male and female, to just think of someone as a human being first before seeing their assumed biological makeup and therefore assumed cultural roles. It's difficult because that's the way all humans have been raised, but that's the way I personally try to live.

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