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(#224 (permalink))
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Barone1551 (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
Nah, that's all right. See, I'm going with the right group of people. People who I know won't mock me for feeling uncomfortable because of discussions on racism on a forum with strangers where I am, as far as I can tell, the only person of color attempting to defend my opinions. People who, even if they disagree with me, will support me and anyone else who happens to be different, or feel upset because of racism.

I'm not embarrassed to say that I, on a forum on the Internet, feel upset because of racism. I'm sorry that you seem to think I should.
Where in his post did he ever say you were embarrassed about anything. He just simply stated (or at least that's how i took it) that if things are getting you so worked up, on a website with people you don't even know. Maybe, just maybe you shouldn't go to a country you seem to have so much distaste towards. Because while you may be going with a group, you are sure to interact with some Japanese people. And if you plan on not interacting with the Japanese people....whats the point of going.

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