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seaghyn (Offline)
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Renewing Your Visa...(O_o) - 06-17-2009, 06:54 AM

So...I have uhmm...let me start at the beginning I guess. I noticed too late that my visa was about to expire. I am on a pre-college student visa, and it expires the 18th of June. (In other words...tomorrow...O_o)

I figured this out though last week, and on the 10th, submited the passport/money/documents to the Language School I am studying at, and they sent the visa off to be processed.

Technically...I "applied" before it expired...but I don't know if that's going to help me any. I heard it takes 3 weeks to a month from the staff at the school, so I'll wait that long. However! When I finally get the documents back, what do I do then? Do I have to take that file/document with me to the Ward Office, and then apply for a new card? If so, they're going to notice when my visa expired...and I don't have the $$ for a trip to the states (or korea) for 2 weeks, nor do I have the $$ to pay for whatever fees they are going to charge me...

So I guess what this Thread is for, me detailing the troubles that my procrastination has brought upon me. And any others that are searching for this information, that I can provide some help when this is all over...

So, questions real quick:

1) As long as I don't get "visa-checked," I should be okay until the documents come in, right? It's not like the immigration is watching every person's visa expiring term, and will contact the apartment agency, school, etc etc about where I am, right? They have better things to do, right? Because I'm still going to go to school every day...I added money to this economy, lol, so I'm getting an education!

2) Once the documents come in, Do I need to take them to the Ward Office with my...what will be an expired visa as of tomorrow, and apply for a new card?

3) Shi*...I just realized I'm taking the EJU on Sunday...and I need to show my card don't I...oh fuc*...

Anybody have condolences or horror stories? lol...O_o
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