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JF Ossan
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06-17-2009, 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
I get this upset on the Internet when it comes to racism, homophobia, and sexism. It's even worst in real life.

I quit reading a post of yours because - like I said - I got upset, and thought it wasn't worth continuing that particular discussion since it really is just a forum. It gets emotionally tiring, emotionally straining after a while to talk to people about my race, gender, etc. - to argue with people about my race, gender, etc. That's why I'm not responding. Even now, I feel uncomfortable having to defend myself, even though it's just a thread. I'm assuming you're white and male, else you might be able to understand and relate to that.

I've also said before that I want to go to Japan to spread fair representation, as well as any other country I go to. That I get upset is just a way of showing that I'm passionate about this issue.
We are talking about Japan and skin tone. Why does that have to be about you and your skin tone and me and my skin tone? We are not arguing about your race or your gender. You are not being asked to defend who you are, just the arguments you make. There is a separation there.

I have never regulated someones ability to discuss a topic on these forums by what their race and gender were (unless it was something that was a question to a Japanese native, but even then there are people non-Japanese qualified to answer many questions).

You quit reading that post of mine, and in my opinion that was an error on your part. I responded to all of your points up to that time in that post.