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(#241 (permalink))
AnthraxAttack (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 37
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-17-2009, 04:27 PM

mercedesjin, so in the end this is about you identity crisis?

I've been discriminated against in history
This sounds ridicouls, we are living in 2009 here, not 1920. I doubt that you are almost a houndred years old.

You just go sniffing out every single little hint that you can splash the words racist over, to downplay others and make you feel better about yourself.

Unless you want to make racism turn in to a silly and radical concept, i suggest you chill out a little with your accusations. Our perception of beauty did not evolve from the idea of "hey, lets exclude those black people from our society"
It eveolved from the idea of finding the partner that could best carry our child. Status (from here the pale idea came from) and body shape (which has been and indicator of health, example: a curved body has a greater chance of a successful carriage. Fact by the way, and so on)

Let society evolve in a ntural way, and don't try to indoctrinate your rather radical ideas in to society, why not? See: north korea.

If you feel left out because you are denied certain goods in our society because of how you look, then be sure to stand up against it. However, there should be a clear line here. Acceptance and respect has to be earned, it is not something that you are rigthfully entitled to, non of us are. And a job that require you to look a specific way to get (modeling jobs in particular) comfort yourself with that 99% of the earth's population can get that job.

Believe it or not, non caucasians does actually stand stronger in society by law. If two job seeking individuals -- a black and a white guy -- has the same qualifications, you are to pick the black man.