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mercedesjin (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by AnthraxAttack View Post
mercedesjin, so in the end this is about you identity crisis?

I've been discriminated against in history
This sounds ridicouls, we are living in 2009 here, not 1920. I doubt that you are almost a houndred years old.

You just go sniffing out every single little hint that you can splash the words racist over, to downplay others and make you feel better about yourself.

Unless you want to make racism turn in to a silly and radical concept, i suggest you chill out a little with your accusations. Our perception of beauty did not evolve from the idea of "hey, lets exclude those black people from our society"
It eveolved from the idea of finding the partner that could best carry our child. Status (from here the pale idea came from) and body shape (which has been and indicator of health, example: a curved body has a greater chance of a successful carriage. Fact by the way, and so on)

Let society evolve in a ntural way, and don't try to indoctrinate your rather radical ideas in to society, why not? See: north korea.

If you feel left out because you are denied certain goods in our society because of how you look, then be sure to stand up against it. However, there should be a clear line here. Acceptance and respect has to be earned, it is not something that you are rigthfully entitled to, non of us are. And a job that require you to look a specific way to get (modeling jobs in particular) comfort yourself with that 99% of the earth's population can get that job.

Believe it or not, non caucasians does actually stand stronger in society by law. If two job seeking individuals -- a black and a white guy -- has the same qualifications, you are to pick the black man.
It's funny that you cut off "in this lifetime." Racism still exists here in 2009. I'm sure you know that. Respect is entitled to every human being. It's called human rights. Society is evolving naturally. It's natural that oppressed people rebel and fight for their rights.

To say that white skin is better than black skin in anyway is racist. Period. I don't feel like I need to say that anymore.

Pretend for a moment that you're white in a world where you're not surrounded by people of your own race, and that you're constantly reminded of the color of your skin. Pretend for a moment that someone walks up to you and says, "My skin color is better than your skin color." Don't pretend for one moment that you wouldn't feel alienated and in pain, and don't pretend that you would be able to ignore that pain and move on.

It's not my identity crisis. It's called racism, and it plagues the world. Billions of people go through it everyday. It's not something to "chill out" about.

Questions for everyone, because I actually want to know what people will say:

Why is my skin not good enough to be a partner? Does the color of my skin indicate to you in some way that I'm less of a person, and so will have a child of less value? Does the color of my skin suggest that my uterus doesn't work, and that I won't be able to carry a child? Why is white skin a better option for a partner? Does white skin somehow mean that the person is smarter, and so the child will be smarter? Is it just that no one really wants to have a child that will have to suffer in this racist world?

And to continue with the questions: why is brown skin ugly? Is it because it reminds you of monkeys, or dirt, or something else unattractive? Is it because that's what your parents told you? Is it because on TV, you only see white women and men like Paris Hilton and Brad Pitt? Is brown skin ugly because, even now in 2009, it somehow suggests to you that people have been slaving away all day out in sun, and so must be of a less status than you? Is brown skin ugly because it means that the person must be a criminal? Does brown skin scare you because people of brown color are actually called "black," and black suggests something dark and evil, whereas "white" has always represented purity, innocence, and good? Or is it just because you're racist?

I'm curious. Please, anyone - explain why you prefer a white skinned partner.

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