Originally Posted by bELyVIS
Racism will always exists until we all mix to being one gray color (it's in progress already). Then they will find some other reason for hating. In my world all I judge people by is if you are a @$$hole or not. Nothing else matters to me.
As for choosing a partner, I had a black girlfriend before. She was beautiful, a model (beautiful inside as well). She broke up with me because her parents didn't like her dating a white guy. This is racism against me, but am I blaming the world about how unfair it is? No. Explain to me why many black women prefer to date white guys? I was told by several black women that it's because black men get what they want and leave the women, sometimes with a baby. They think white guys don't do this. Is this racism? Of course it is.
My choice for my wife was a Japanese lady. I was married to an American before and didn't like how I was treated. I feel that my second wife has the qualities I have been searching for all my life. She is very loving kind, smart, and independent with the right amount of submissiveness to let me feel like a man (no I don't abuse this, but it helps my ego a little. She gets her way most of the time). She knows that is just how I am, but it goes a long way when we need to cooperate. She knows how to push my buttons to get me to see her way. I'm not saying that there aren't other women in this world from other cultures or races that I might find these qualities, but I just happened to find it in her. Her race, skin color didn't matter.
My suggestion is to get over this chip you have on your shoulder. Life is too short to be a victim. You make your own future in spite of racist haters. ![V Sign](images/smilies/v.gif)
I'm sorry about your ex-girlfriend's family. :/ There's definitely a lot of racism against white people, and it's almost as if people are too afraid to stick up for their rights because then people will go around shouting "KKK!" (Even the idea of immediately calling a white person a member of the KKK is racist.)
What's funny is that I never really cared about racism, because I grew up on an island where I was surrounded by black people. I never had to think about being black. Then I left the island, and suddenly WHAM! I was being treated differently and seen differently than others just because of my skin color. People have told me, to my face, that I'm not beautiful because I'm black.
I'm a passionate person, and I'm young. People always tell me that when I'm in my 50s, I'll calm down and not give a shit about racism. (I hope not.) But for now, I'm 20 and I'm not willing to give up because of any kind of animosity. I want to get fair representation of women of color into the media. When I feel uncomfortable with something someone has said, I will tell them.
I do think of myself as a victim, but I also think of myself as a person who is willing to fight. I personally don't think that's a bad thing. That's just the way I live.
Good luck to you and your wife, you seem to really love her. =)