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(#268 (permalink))
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Barone1551 (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
LMAO that's a really funny reply. (Ugh, I have the feeling you're going to think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. It's hilars.)

No, I think the woman on top is ugly as fuck because she looks like a zombie. I have no idea where you found that picture, but it's really funny that you did. XD

Okay, anyway. Seriously? I agree with you. Beauty does go beyond race. I personally feel really attracted to a person's smile, far beyond the color of a person's skin. Now, I wish that everyone felt that way, but not everyone does. There are some people who look at skin color first and foremost. There are people who think that the person below is ugly because she has brown skin. Those people are racist. That's all I'm saying.

Ok I missed this post earlier, I will address it now. As I have said before I don't find it automatically racist if someone is not attracted to a certain skin tone. I will agree however that there are times when it can be attributed to racism, such as the story about your friend and her not liking white guys. Yes I can see that as racism, although I wouldn't take offense to it. There is a difference in my eyes between disliking a person for the color of their skin, and not being attracted to them. Everyone has the things they are attracted to, even if they cant put them onto a piece of paper. If you dislike a certain skin color because you then stereotype this person because of the color of their skin, this is racist. However, I think it is different if you are just not attracted to them. You may still be best of friends with someone who has a tone of skin that you may find less attractive. I'm just saying you may be attracted to certain things in a person, whether it be hair, facial features, ect.

Which brings me to this point. You stated earlier that you are more attracted to someones smile more than their skin. Which is fine, but you do indicate that you prefer some smiles over others. So you too have a defined set of characteristics you find attractive. If you don't have as nice of a smile as other people, you aren't attracted to them.
Now you say that you would pick the bottom pic because the top one is ugly. Now to me, someone as yourself who preaches being tolerant, you take a very intolerant stance. You have even said before it should matter the color of your skin (it shouldn't) it should matter whats inside. Shouldn't you not see attractiveness then. Shouldn't personality be the only thing that matters to you. Because obviously you don't prefer physical traits more than others... right?

and ill partially quote you on this, not to be a jerk. And I'm not trying to be sarcastic. But I will play devils advocate for a second, and this is tied to that picture of the white lady and the black lady, and then you response to the pic:

Why is her looks not good enough to be a partner? Does the completion of her skin indicate to you in some way that she less of a person, and so will have a child of less value? Does the look of her face suggest that her uterus doesn't work, and that she won't be able to carry a child? Why is attractiveness a better option for a partner? Does attractiveness somehow mean that the person is smarter, and so the child will be smarter? Is it just that no one really wants to have a child that will have to suffer in this biased world?

And finally I am interested in hearing your opinion on one of my earlier comments, the one about being sexist? Just when you have time of course, I just didn't want you to miss it. Thanks.

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