So I decided to group all the 青-using characters I knew or could find that are still in usage (excluding variants that use the old version of 青 (生+円)) to take a look at meaning and reading for you guys.
Perhaps natives or other knowledgeable people can chime in with misunderstandings or characters that I have forgotten to include?
Basically there are five (I think) categorizations of kanji. One is the sound-based compound (形声文字), and one is the meaning-based compound (会意文字).
Most of these are a combination of the two (会意兼形声文字).
- 青 (あお、セイ、ショウ)—blue, green
- 鯖 (さば、セイ)—魚(fish)+青(セイ)—mackerel
- 錆 (さび、セイ)—金(metal)+青(セイ)—rust
- 情(なさ、ジョウ、セイ)—心(heart)+青(セイ、ジョウ)=emoti on, actual conditions
- 晴(は、セイ)—日(sun)+青(セイ)=fine weather
- 清(きよ、セイ)—水(water)+青(セイ)=clear
- 精(セイ)—米(rice)+青(セイ)=refine, essence, spirit I'm not sure about how the etymology explains the meaning
- 請(こ、う、セイ)—言(speech/words)+青(セイ)=request
- 静(しず、セイ)—青(セイ)+争(the etymology is to pluck or pick, but as a radical it means scramble I think)=quiet
- 瀞(とろ、セイ)—水(water)+静(quiet,セイ)=a pool in a river (not sure if this translation is's not really a popular character in Japanese)
- 靖(しず、セイ)—立(stand)+青(セイ)=pacify, peaceful (this is an archaic kanji I think)
If any natives could chime in on the bold parts, too, I'd be grateful.