your girl
Posts: 54
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: philippines
Need some advice -
06-18-2009, 06:20 AM
i'm A pErsOn whO LOvEs trEAting friEndz As mY fAmiLY,,
in fAct i Used tO cAll thEm in sUch wAys LikE,, twin,,
kUiA (fiLipinO wOrd fOr OLdEr brOthEr),,AtE (fiLipinO wOrd fOr sister),, EvEn
dAddy!! it mAdE mE sAd whEn OnE Of mY kUiA in schOol sAid thAt hE's
faLLing fOr mE,, i mAnAgEd tO tELL him thAt wE'rE bEttEr Off As friEndz,,
thAt OnE's sEttLed bUt hE tOLd mE hE'd stiLL wAit fOr thE right timE,, AftEr
grAduAtion,, 2 mOrE of mY cLAssmAtEs tOLd mE thE sAmE thing,, bUt i stiLL
dOn't wAnt tO hAvE thAt kind Of cOmmitmEnt sO i tUrnEd thEm dOwn As
wELL,, thEn,, nOw,, thE pErsOn thAt i trEAtEd As mY dAd (bUt At thE sAmE
AgE As mE) AskEd if i wOUld givE him thE pErmissiOn tO cOUrt mE.. im not
qUitE sUrE bUt i think i LovE him toO,, but im AfrAid Of commitmEnts,, whAt
shOULd i dO??