Thread: Project Natal
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(#25 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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06-18-2009, 06:57 PM

iPhantom, you seem to have some Nintendo grudge for some unknown reason and I'm not entirely sure why you are comparing technology that's been on the market for like 3 years to something that's not even finished yet.

In any case, as I already said previously my concerns are with the voice recognition system which is far from perfect at this point in time. I'm pretty sure it would struggle with my accent. It was pre-recorded, so we have no idea if it actually works. It could have been set up to appear to work perfectly. If it worked so amazing like they showed, then I'm pretty sure Microsoft would have demonstrated it live. They are flashy and like to pull out the big guns.

So until I'm playing it with my own hands, I remain skeptical, but I am pleased they are going in this direction and indeed if it does work as they say it does I will be very impressed.
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