Originally Posted by Columbine
Ok, let's see. The first part could mean "Please make arrangements focusing on Japan", if tehai IS arrangement (my hiragana agrees with that, but always hard to tell out of romaji) and the second "There is a 97% probability that Kira is in Japan". Lastly, "He probably won't return to here, right?"
moderu is simply a more formal, polite way to say return, it's the same as kaeru in meaning, just the emphasis is slightly more high brow.
Two points I wanna make.
1. Does the sentence I hi-lited in red make sense to yourself, let alone the questioner?
It means "Make arrangements to
go to Japan."
2. 戻る may be more foraml than 帰る but it has absolutely nothing to do with politeness. With these simpler verbs, politeness can only be added by conjugation, not by word (verb) choice. 戻られる, お戻りになる, お戻りになられる are the politer forms.