Originally Posted by zangachi
i feel like japan is a country that is over-crowded with gaijin
No part is over-crowded with gaijin. Even at Disneyland you will see more Japanese people than foreigners.
Originally Posted by zangachi
that are crazed by anime and other japanese things so they come leaving their countries and living in japan so they live with these things and it makes japan unliveable due to their large amount
Your use of punctuation is...interesting.
Almost none of the foreigners living in Japan live in Japan because of an anime-craze because Japan is not an amusement park. Just wanting to be there doesn't get you through the door. I have never meet an anime obsessed foreigner in japan
Originally Posted by zangachi
cause around 70% of the people i know in my location likes japan and wants to go japan and even the people i meet on the internet like forums or online games
99.9% of those people will never live in Japan.
Originally Posted by zangachi
and even when i pass the japanese embassy i have to find like 10-30 young people coming out of the door or going into the door and everyone i ask where would they like to live tells me they want to live in japan including all of my cousins(related to each other or unrelated to each other) and friends
Originally Posted by zangachi
so is japan over-crowded with gaijin everywhere?
Originally Posted by zangachi
is the situation bad due to this?
What situation?
Originally Posted by zangachi
if it's only increasing day by day by now.. how do you picture it in the future? and please correct me if i am wrong with kind words and don't be rash cause i'm only seeing this from what i see happening around me
thanks to the respectful replies 
Japan will always be Japan. There is nothing any otaku can do to change that.