Originally Posted by zangachi
my view is being changed completely
what i thought before:
the gaijin are everywhere, there are anime cosplay places everywhere, you can't walk cause of the amount of people, the streets are unbearable, the bathrooms are over-occupied, the shops are crowded with people especially anime ones with gaijin, the electronics and other items only found in the country like the mobile phones are hardly in stock, the cultural restaurants' seats are all taken during the morning, evening and the night and the population keeps increasing and increasing and it is becoming a disaster
what i think after:
the country is normal like any other country, with some foreigners here and there, the condition is fine, the places like streets/shops/places are neutral, it's crowded in some places like tokyo or osaka and quiet in others, most people are very interested in the country but 99.9% of them aren't going to live there(MMM's theory  ) and it's just fine 
well, im happy that we changed your view to the good! Streets and places can be crowded as are the trains in the major citys if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Oh besides the 1 % living foreigners i think Japan has about 2 Million Tourists a year wich is not so much considered this includes all countrys and Japans population is over 120 Million.