Hello Nay!
Im new here, but i am looking för language friends too! especially japanese. My big dream is to travel to Japan. And i have 5 books here in sweden about japanese signs and the japanese language, I live in a little town, and no place to go where somebody can help me to learn japanese, so i do my best to study at my room! But it should be realy, realy fun to talk to a person from japan! Im just 14 years old, but i think that my english is pretty good (even if its alot of things i still not can!), and i also study spanish in school, and my home language is swedish, so i can teach you, if you should want that!
I also loves to run, it feels realy great! I play fotball so i go out and run with my team!
Yoga seems cool! I have tried laughing yoga, but that felt kinda weird, but i liked it at the same time
Do you have msn?
please add me if you have!
[email protected]
PS. Im a girl, but i like mrhunnybunny , if you know what simpsons is, then a doll have the namn Mr Hunnybunny, thats the reason of my name here xD