Thread: Piercings
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Hyakushi (Offline)
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06-21-2009, 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
I guess that's a good idea, but then I worry about the day when I decide to stop covering up my piercings. I think it'll be a bit of a shock for my host family and teachers when suddenly I've got an eyebrow piercing.
I'm not saying throw away pericings but just maybe talk to them or warn them about it before you go around showing it off heh. When I was younger I went to live in japan and had Snake bite pericings. Alot of people didn't mind, they would want to look at my face and take pics but during work I had to take them out because I didn't want them getting caught on something and tearing my lip. Alot of people would ask me why or how I got the pericings and its a good conversation starter.

Don't get upset with Sangetsu either he is just giving you a truthful answer, we can't just let you go to japan and learn the hard way about what they think or what they believe is acceptible. He is right though its a sort of culture shock that is mostly covered but you could be an ambassador in making it acceptible and modest.

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