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Tenchu (Offline)
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06-21-2009, 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Here in Japan a pair of Chinese made New Balance shoes is about $50, a pair of US made New Balance shoes is $200. I happily spent the $200. I would rather my money went to pay American workers who work 40 hours a week for $10 an hour rather than to pay Chinese workers who get 10 cents an hour and work 70 hours a week.
How is putting them out of work going to fix any problems? I can understand if you dislike Chinese policy and won't by their clothes, but the reason you give here is pretty retarded.

China does not have slave labour. The people work these jobs because it is the best or only work they can find. The thought of people not buying their products would dishearten them even further. Boycotting Chinese products may have a good political impact in the end, but the negative side effect is a lot of poor people are going to be out of work, and you think this is a good thing?

Also, it is more like a 120 hour week, but with about 40 cents per hour. I know, my wife used to make cheap underwear in a Thai sweatshop.

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