Why blame China for this? Not so long ago, Japan was in the same position, anything made in Japan was cheap...
You do realise that China is just the middle man in this right? The companies are to be blamed.
Lets take an aircraft company for example;
An engineer designs a new Boeing aircraft, asks China to build it. China builds it, sends it back to Boeing. Aeroplane goes up and crashes down. EVERYTHING is Boeing's fault... It could be that the Engineer made a mistake in the design, which is 100% Boeings fault... If China screwed up and made a mistake in building the aircraft, its also Boeings fault for not checking the product they got. Afterall, it IS boeing that gurantees the safety of the aeroplane, just as it is the toys (and everything else) company that gurantees their product.
So basically, get over yourself... Blame whatever company that sold the faulty products, not the country that made it. Your countries economy simply wont work without cheap foreign labour. Cheap labour generally means cheap quality, so live with it or get rich and buy Made in England, France, Switzerland or whatever

Watch out though, you wont be able to use things like your mobile phones, PC's, microwaves etc etc... Welcome back to the stone age