06-22-2009, 04:54 AM
I can admit that i am like that, i've never had a best friend and i have trust issues. I guess having high expectations in a friendship makes a difference. I stopped having any expectations and just leave people to be, also accepting them for who they are. To let them be who they are and not stop them for being their true selves. And i saw that they like hanging out with me. I keep my mind open and let them talk of anything without them feeling uncomfortable. And they are able to talk to me about anything they want and i'm cool with it.
Also, sometimes being quiet, people may get a wrong perception about you. They may think you're unfriendly or proud. We want to make friends but we're afraid. Don't be, even if someone betrays you in a friendship, there is no one you should truly trust but yourself. Friends come and go but what last forever? Even best friends may stray. So look at what is the most important thing to you and hold value in them. Dying for your friends is uncalled for. Will they do the same for you? You may think that they will but when things really happen, then you'll see who your true friends are, and who aren't. Just speaking from experience.