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Columbine (Offline)
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06-22-2009, 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by HikariTenrai View Post
Also, sometimes being quiet, people may get a wrong perception about you. They may think you're unfriendly or proud. We want to make friends but we're afraid.
I think that's quite true; a lot of how people first perceive a person is based on body language. Try making an effort to sit up but in a relaxed way, and seem open and attentive. I had a friend who was often avoided by strangers just because he often had a grumpy or sad expression without even knowing it. Once he was made aware of it, he was able to change it and the problem stopped. I honestly know first-hand it can be really really hard when you feel all alone, but try and stay positive. True fact- making a smiling face can actually trick your brain into feeling happier, and that will show to strangers.

The only thing I can advise is not to expect it to just fall in your lap- the first step is just... it's learning to speak with a friendly kind of confidence to strangers that will get you there in the long run and if you've never been a very social person be willing to make mistakes sometimes. If you see someone who needs a small favor or a bit of help, offer it; something might come of it and if not, then you can think positive that you've made someone else's day a bit nicer. If they turn you down, well, their loss. Maybe they were just shy of accepting help themselves. That's how I think of things and it's worked for me. I'm actually quite a shy person, but I've learnt to compensate for that gut-wrenching nervousness by just... doing my best to be nice. The good people will notice that, and the one's who don't? You don't need them anyway.

I'll agree that it's not good to be wholly dependent on others, but humans are designed to be social creatures, and telling someone it's better to be alone, or better not to trust people is rather cold comfort and somewhat insensitive to my mind. Well, it's cynical old world, I guess, but isn't it just letting the hurtful people win something over you if you then won't have a little faith in anybody ever again? I don't know, that's just my tuppenny's worth. *headtilt*
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