06-22-2009, 04:21 PM
I don`t really know if I have friends. I don`t particularly associate with a bunch of people, but I also don`t feel a need or urge to do so. My husband is far far more than a mere friend, but when it comes to talking I would say he covers all the close close friend bases.
To be quite honest, those people who need a lot of friends around them, and who must have a circle of friends are a mystery to me. I`m even a bit creeped out by people who want to be close friends with me, so always end up cutting things off when it gets to the weird "Let`s be great friends!" level and talk starts to delve into emotional stuff.
I really don`t feel like listening to someone whine about their life. Ever. I also don`t feel any urge to whine about mine.
I`m perfectly nice, polite, and friendly to everyone I meet. It is just too much of a pain to maintain a close friendship. I always feel stressed out by it, and don`t really know what I`m supposed to do. I`m always thinking "And what on earth do you want ME to do???"
Right now, the only people who I talk to on a truly "personal" basis are my husband and my honorary little brother. But then again, if someone actually asked me about something personal, I would probably answer 99% of the time as I don`t really have any secrets. I figure if someone feels the urge to ask me, it`s not going to hurt to answer them. But no one asks anything personal, so there is no reason for me to share.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.