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Kawatta (Offline)
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06-22-2009, 04:23 PM

Another loner here since high school, partly from depression I guess and shyness, i just didnt wanna hang out with anyone from my school or really go out and make new friends. I preffered doing my own thing untill i found some people that had things in common with me. they are now my small group of good friends. But even from them i hear "Why arent you coming out!?!" from time to time, cuz i just feeling like hanging at home.

I figure bieng loner is a mix of depression, shyness, low self confidence and preference (depending on how sad you are when u are alone), if your contemplating killing yourself on holidays or wishing you had something to do on lonley nights, you need to change something. Sooner or later youll pick yourself up and decide to get out there and meet people. It will definatley help you in the long run because the more people you have connections to, the better off life can be when it comes to jobs, finding deals for things you want to buy, and learning things. But you just gotta do it
Im currently trying to follow this advice...its hard at first but like with anything it'll get easier when your comfortable with it.
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