Originally Posted by Katzuki
Ruki, even though he's not really tall.~
that's one thing that's best about him.
and about Kyo as well.... now we're on the subject of short.
Originally Posted by TakashimaTsukasaToshimasa
From this poll I would date Asagi, cuz he's so scary and dark ^^ but if I could choose any of them (J-rockers) I'd choose Uruha from GazettE cuz he's so beautiful and his guitar playing is kicking ass. XD Or maybe Kyo from Dir en Grey .. the kawaii psycho that's shorter then me .. hehe .. but I don't really care. But the best date would be with Tsukasa from D'espairsRay .. oh I love him so muchies! ^^ 
how much shorter?
and oh, only
maybe Kyo?