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(#121 (permalink))
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Aniki (Offline)
JF's Road Roller
Posts: 1,232
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Europe
06-22-2009, 06:06 PM

Just give couple more years and you'll be able to buy your perfect girlfriend/wife.
Just imagine a customer and a salesman conversation:
Customer - Yes, I would like to buy a perfect girlfriend
Salesman - What kind of model you would like to?
Customer - What kind of models do you have?
Salesman - Well, we have the Sakura and Hinata from Naruto models, they're quite popular these days. There's there's Aerith, Tifa and Yuna from Final Fantasy series, and there others *shows a huge list of anime and game characters*
Customer - I think I'll choose Tifa.
Salesman - Alrighty then, do you wish any changes made?
Customer - Yes, I'd like her too have size D breasts, be extremely shy when we're in public, but be very horny on my command when we're alone...
Salesman - For that we can add the 'Playboy Bunny behaviour' command if you wish?
Customer - Alright, and I want her to know additional martial arts so she could defend me against my neighbours Chun-Lee model.

Oh yes, the future is gonna be one heck of a place.
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