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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
06-22-2009, 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by seiki View Post
That sounds good are they doing that now then?
Yes, it started in January.

Originally Posted by nobora View Post
Maybe theyre downloading it illegaly because the japanese are making it too expensive
The prices in America are much more reasonable than the prices in probably works out to 1/4 the cost of what it would to buy in japan. However, that is still not cheap.

Generally people that DL for free have justified the stealing in their head or are too ignorant to realize it is stealing. They say things like "I don't want to wait, I want to see what happens next now!" But they wouldn't need to wait if they didn't start stealing in the first place.

People have this fantasy that anime and manga grows on trees, and it doesn't . It takes work, which takes people, which takes money. No money means no more anime. It's not rocket science. Look at how many steal manga and anime off the internet and then look at the anime companies and manga publishers that have gone out of business.
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