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(#7 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
06-23-2009, 04:16 AM

What are you proud of, Kenpachi? Quailboy's laziness or that his thievery keeps the prices higher for honest consumers like myself.

There are so many cheap ways to play games that are legal...rental services, rental stores, used stores, sharing with friends, etc.

It takes months and sometimes years to put a game together, so where is the excuse for stealing it for free? It's expensive? No kidding, it took months and years and often 100s of people to make it happen. So many games are released to the successful ones also have to cover the losses for the failures of a game isn't a hit. Another way to keep the prices high is to steal them.

You guys must have never made anything, so you don't know what it means to have something you made stolen. Maybe if you had you would understand why I think this habit is so despicable.
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