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YuriTokoro (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-23-2009, 05:03 AM

Hi, girigiri.
Originally Posted by girigiri View Post
Sorry, but I don’t see what you mean.
What do you mean with覚 ?

beignets? あっ。。。あたらしいことばですじぶんに。おいしそう みたい。"beignets in Ikeburo" ー 何らかのソースなんで、ことによったらフリッター ですか?
I went to (the) Café Du Monde in Ikebukuro, Tokyo and ate beignets. ○
I had beignets at (the) Café Du Monde in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. ◎
Thanks. I didn’t know “beignets in Ikebukuro” sounds like “beignets in Ikebukuro sauce”.

This should be the opening sentence. You are using the American Cafe du Monde as the base point for comparison. Because you are referring to two different Cafe du Mondes, it is necessary to use the definite article "the" for each.
Articles will remain a challenge for me forever!

"Three large beignets make up a serve in the US; where/while in Japan, there are six small ones." Rather than have this, it may be better to merge these descriptions with the relevant earlier sentences.
Do you mean “I’ve been to the original Café Du Monde Coffee Stand in the New Orleans French Market in the US. I had a good time and enjoyed the delicious beignets, three large ones make up a serving in the US; while in Japan, there are six small ones.” ?

The servings ( 1. the US serving, 2. the Japanese serving.) are the point of comparison here - therefore, "three reasons for the difference."
That should be a singular form. OK.

Emphasise: this is speculation - eliminate the risk that someone might think you are claiming to have investigated the reasons behind the difference.

"Three possible reasons for the difference come to mind."
This is very a useful expression. Thanks!

First, second, third ... acknowledge that there may be other reasons.
What would you start the sentences with?

I prefer small beignets, which do you prefer?

(Having read all of the passage now, these things sound like poffertjes. If so, small is definitely better.)
I think there must be some reasons why the original Café Du Monde still serves three big beignets in an order; for example, American people would like big ones, or small ones don’t give them a sense of having eaten. Should I have written this in the post?


Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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