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Join Date: Jun 2007
06-23-2009, 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by RKitagawa
these things... will kill you, lol. So yeah, I'd say they're worse.
If you get a good dose of their venom, it is lethal regardless of allergies.
Originally Posted by FeyOberon
Oh, yes, they are worse. An American hornet is pretty much just a hornet unless you are allergic, their sting is like a nasty pinch that swells up and stays sore for a few days. They are kind of mean, but not as bad as some kinds of wasp.
By contrast, a Japanese (or Asian) hornet is a vicious, hateful bastard that has the capacity to kill a person with no allergy. And just to make things more fun, they have absolutely no natural predators.
hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously. R.I.P. Jasmine....