This line of conversation ends right here. Please feel free to discuss penis size in PMs.
I see... I think it would be better to address Tenchu's inappropriate insinuations rather than forbid the topic at hand altogether. For that reason I will try and give a reasoned and mature reply to his immature post. I hope you don't mind. And I hope you see that it my way.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
It isn't an untrue sterio-type. There are a few Thai hulks floating around, but everyone here knows the vast majority average penis size is way below whites and Africans.
I think only a person who has a small penis would bother to say it doesn't matter what size it is, anyway.
Yes, weight is irrelevant in kick boxing. But to make you a decent fighter in reality (outside the ring) then you want to be a large man.
-Way below? Why... because you say so?
It is simply not true and I have statistics on my side. Obviously averages differ but they are insignificant and certainly not "way below" like you say. I won't go any further because this has been deemed inappropriate for some reason (personally I think that your comments rather than the topic itself should be deemed inappropriate) but if you look it up I think you will be able to educate yourself. Furthermore I live in a multicultural city and I frequently use the local swimming pool and the university gym.... go figure.
-Why would you assume that I have a small one? And why would it matter overall? I mean I can see the physiological advantage of being bigger in size. But as long as you have one... and it works, I see no reason to be insecure.
-A decent fighter outside the ring? Why would he need to be a decent fighter outside the ring? On the street it's the guy with the gun, the knife or the most homeboys that wins fights. If your neighbourhood really is that dangerous.. perhaps you should teach your kid about how to avoid confrontation, or maybe even protect him yourself?... you know like a father is supposed to....