Originally Posted by mythix
Oh, okay, I gotcha xD
*winces* oooh, those 'hard as hell' kind of games are the kind that get addicting because you want to beat them so bad, oh man, I am starting to, like, wanna go check into this asap, lol :] did you hear it was hard, in-general, or?
*shakes head* Heckyes, I am serious, I have never played it yet!
Ohmylanta, seriously, from hearing you guys talk about it and how it's so addicting, I am so itching to go prod it from one of my friends or rent it/buy it or something, ugh, it sounds mmazing...plus, addicting games are rare for me, and finding a new one would be perfect, fersure ;]
What are some of its perks, like, from your p.o.v ?
.....weapons? And...Voldo *shudders*