Originally Posted by komitsuki
+50 years.
To answer this, just to let you know:
South Korea used to be an undemocratic dictator country (ironically like North Korea) in the name of democracy.
I doubt they will return to South Korea in the long run. Young South Korean would rather live overseas than live in South Korea.
1. Christians are persecuting Buddhists (I'm Buddhist and I definitely oppose the right wing Christian-ized government) in South Korea.
2. Mainstream politicians don't care about South Korean citizens since their ancestors were historically corrupted supporters of the fascist Imperial Japanese government.
3. Economy hasn't been fixed for over a decade.
4. Majority of South Korean politicians are fearfully pro-American for decades that it doesn't care about South Korea.
South Korea is as bad as North Korea if you think about it.
That all sounds interesting.
The pay levels in Korea also seem increasingly bad compared to many Western countries..
I always though of South Korea as being a highly successful democracy, a high standard of living and top technology..
I guess I thought good on a few poijnts, but something is missing from my mind about Korea..
Most South Korean people I speak to in Cairns just do not feel happy with their country.. Sad Really..
Oh and yes, their is a huge Church presence here with Koreans which as you say, is ashame, considering they are buddhists..