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(#20 (permalink))
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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06-25-2009, 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Probably not you know what happens when a culture gets too comfortable with a certain system if it ever changes it will take decades for it to implemented. Its like asking if Americans will start driving on the left. I must admit i have forgotten the metric system if i ever had a use for it i would relearn it again such if i ever moved to country where it was used.
You speak the the truth.

Thing is, though, that Japan wasn't metric from the start, either. We converted in 1891 from an old system unique to the country. I know this created great confusion at all levels of life throughout the archipelago. Our great-grandparents, who were already adults by that time must have felt the same way you would if the U.S. were to convert now. But because we converted, we can now talk with the rest of the world about numbers (with the exception of ......).
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