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(#26 (permalink))
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ozkai (Offline)
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06-25-2009, 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I doubt this. He would have to be over 18 to even rent that sort of DVD to begin with. If he brought one home at a younger age it would be the store I`d be upset at.

Even if parents don`t want their kids watching/playing these things - why ban them? If you don`t want your kid (as in under 18) to have access simply don`t give them access and know enough of what is going on in their lives that you have some level of control. Asking for something to be banned because you are not a good enough parent to control what your child has access to is pure selfishness.
Let's not forget that in many places over 18 means Adult legal, and that releases hormones into the minds of curiosity for those who qualify.

The access becomes irrelevant if the games are legal.

Cheers - Oz
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