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06-25-2009, 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight View Post
I wasn't going deep into the question and you're right about the fact America embraced many other cultures too, but there's no reason to just not adopt the metric system when all the rest of the world is using it.

It will make things easier even for the Americans themselves. And yeah they could use both like the British do, even though it's confusing.
The problem is implementing it. When a country has a deep rooted system that stretches into pretty every part of society changing it is no easy feat. Look at Nagoyankee post about when Japan changed their system. The answer is not changing it but integrating it into the system thats already establish. Which means it needs to start in school and be taught all the way through primary school up to High School and maybe even on a University level over time both systems would be in place it would take about 1 generation to establish both systems but then comes the problem of changing all sorts of elements in society such (Speed limits) which would take longer. I agree with how the British do it.

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