Ikaga desu ka!?
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06-25-2009, 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by clairebear
It honestly upsets me that games like this exist. They're just vile...I think its astonishing how people (especially women) defend them.
That just shows you how big the world actually is Clair.
I agree with Pumpum (Heh I almost called him Pumkin Bahahahaha!!! XDDD).
Anyways if they banned games like this then they should ban lemon fanfiction/Hentaimanga/Anime shows like Chobits and Moe movies. If anything they should not allow any nudity at all or sexual refrences anywhere.
(Although I really do believe that they should do away with Sex in The City ugh its such a moronic show with ugly women *Shivers*).
All examples above are not true events but they make people want something they don't have so it should be banned just like rape games.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.