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(#38 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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06-26-2009, 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

MMM + Columbine: In GTA, we could argue that the main goal is to create am illegal, wealthy standing in the big city via gunning down anyone in your way, killing anybody, blowing anything up and so on, so on. Let's not get into a comparison debate here, but GTA has a main goal, and it revolves around killing.

Also, MMM, it IS a dangerous message being sent, but again we have minds for a reason. A person who TRULY thinks that women WANT to be raped in reality, need to get checked.
I don't feel passionately enough either way to get into a real debate about it, but I have played GTA, and in GTA you are constantly reminded that what you are doing illegal, anti-social, and wrong. You are running from cops, etc. I don't think there is any question that your activities are anything more or less than what they are.

I don't get this impression from the rape games. Are you reminded that what your are doing as a character is engaging in anti-social, illegal, and immoral behavior? You are in GTA, but I don't think you are in rape games. That's a different sort of simulation, and to me makes a line between what I find personally acceptable or not. Again, I am not saying these games should be banned, but just what I find entertaining and acceptable in my own house.
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