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(#419 (permalink))
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Pike (Offline)
Asian Female? Where?
Posts: 46
Join Date: Jun 2009
06-26-2009, 04:24 AM

Originally Posted by Okashi View Post
Do you enjoy being single?

I'm single and I'm enjoying it a lot at the moment. I do know for myself, I will not last like this forever though. For all the things I have to do nowadays, I don't really have time to worry about making someone happy. Unless they would understand that, I'll have to stick with having no relationship.

How about you?
I neither hate being single nor do I love it. For many reasons, some of which you stated, I have decided to take a break from dating. Been single going on 8 years by my own choice. I have more time for myself and have nobody I have to worry about pissing off because I decided to go out with my friends and not come home for a week. Reading is one of my passions and I can really get into a book and completely shut out the world till I have finished the book. With a g/f she thinks I am mad at her and will not believe when I tell her I am not.

The Ecstasy of Emptiness
The Purity of Suffering
The Divinity of Loneliness
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